A Small Research On Front End Developer
Web development is a combination of two parts;
Frontend: It concerns your website’s aesthetics and functionality, which enhance the user experience. It is usually called the presentation layer. Frontend web development services are majorly concerned with user experience.
Backend: It concerns the website’s brains. How any website responds to any action that is decided by the backend. It is also called a data access server. Backend web development services are majorly concerned with data.
A website without frontend work will look like a body without skin. Now, who will like to see a body without skin? Nobody, not unless you’re a medical student.
So frontend work is like beautifying a website and making each section separate from another. It’s like providing a facility for the user to identify information. Front-end developer has the role of integrating visual & interaction on a website. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the basic need of the front-end developer. The front-end developer adds graphics through HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to better user experience and guidance.
9 Top Skills For Front End Developer
HTML:- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the base for making a webpage. It describes the structure of a Web page & tells the browser how to display the content. Without it, no webpage can exist.
CSS:- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) describes how HTML elements are to be displayed. CSS controls the visual of your webpage & helps to give a unique look to it. It also helps to make a webpage responsive.
These two are the two basic frontend development services. It can create a webpage and change the look of the webpage.
2. Javascript/jQuery
HTML & CSS can make simple pages where you don’t need any user interaction with the page. But where you need any kind of user interaction with a web page, you need to use JAVASCRIPT/JQUERY.
With the help of JAVASCRIPT, you can change or update page content. You can control audio, video, page animation, animation on a scroll, and click easily with the javascript.
JQUERY can use the resources of the JAVASCRIPT library. JAVASCRIPT library is light-weight and easy to use. in JAVASCRIPT, you have to write multiple lines for a task when JQUERY can take that code from the JAVASCRIPT library and execute with a single line. so you have to write less code for output
This helps you in saving time & reducing code.
3. CSS And Javascript Frameworks
Time, efficiency & testing are the three most affecting factors for web development. So it’s important to use such a method which can help the developer in these three factors. A framework is a group of common tasks and functionalities that are commonly used in web development. The use of a framework can reduce time & provide bug-free code. You just need to add a framework and use its components. Different frameworks have different strengths and weaknesses. So it’s upon you which framework you use.
The framework also needs some customization to match the layout. The customized framework will provide more efficiency to developers. Here is the list of some CSS and JAVASCRIPT Frameworks
JavaScript Frameworks
CSS Frameworks
1. Bootstrap
2. Foundation
3. Semantic UI
4. CSS Preprocessing
There is no replacement for CSS, But it has some limitations like you can’t define variables and functions in CSS. It’s ok with small scale projects, but it makes difficulties with large-scale projects’ maintenance and changes. CSS preprocessing can make your work more comfortable and more flexible.
The use of preprocessors like Sass, LESS, or Stylus will convert CSS, and you can add it to your project. When you have used a preprocessor in your project, it’s easy to maintain and change large projects. When you need to change color in the whole project, you need to change the variable and compile CSS.
So if you have a smaller project, then you can continue with CSS, but if you have a large-scale project, then you can use CSS preprocessors in your project.
5. Version Control/GIT
This skill is different, but it’s essential. If you are working on a large-scale project and need repetitive changes, then it is hard to manage changes. Sometimes clients also request to revert changes, so it’s hard to find changes and revert them again. If something gets wrong and if you don’t have a backup file, you will be in severe trouble and start from the beginning.
Version control is the process of tracking and controlling changes to your source code. Version control software like Git can track your changes, and so if you need a previous version of your project, you can get that.
6. Responsive Design
Before responsive design, developers have to create different versions of the same page for other devices. In this situation, maintenance and changes were difficult to manage. So after responsive design, situations are changed now, we can use only one page for all devices. Responsive design is a revolutionary change in frontend development services.
The responsive design includes fluid layouts, flexible images, and media queries. Responsive design helps a web page that can fit any device. Responsive design is focused on flexibility.
7. Testing/Debugging
Testing can help you identify elements that are not working correctly. You can fix it before launching because after launching if the user will face a bug related to functionality or design, it will negatively impact your website. Responsive design also needs testing because now in day’s mobiles are getting different resolutions; it is also important to test responsive web design.
Sometimes major bugs can destroy your efforts towards the project. Production testing helps the web developer to avoid costly mistakes.
8. Cross-Browser Development
Users will enter your website through a web browser. All modern browsers are providing developer tools in which check and change the HTML structure of your webpage. You can also check which CSS is associated with which elements, and you can also change CSS there. But all these things are temporary. As you refresh the page, all these changes will disappear. These things will help you in testing and debugging.
Developer tools have a JAVASCRIPT console, which will help you with JAVASCRIPT errors and console values. So you can check where and which kind of error occurs in your code. You can also add JAVASCRIPT for your webpage for testing and debugging. Developer tools will help you in checking whether your work is successful or not.
9. Automation Tools & Web Performance
Web performance is most important for a part of the web world. If your website takes time to load, the user will not wait to check that and redirect it to a similar website. This can make your competitor stronger than you. So to avoid this type of situation, focus on Web performance. To load a website, faster-uploaded images must be optimized, minify CSS and JavaScript, and avoid unnecessary code.
These tasks can improve your web performance and reduce load time. Automation tools like Grunt and gulp can do that automatically. You need to create a task in the automation tool, and when you run the command, your task will execute automatically.
Skills are the key to a bright future. IT guys will be a student always means they always have to be ready for learning. Always try to find something new because technologies will not let you relax in the IT profession. This is the skill that currently a front-end developer requires, but this is not the end. In case you’re looking for a team that can provide frontend web development services, you can always navigate to our service page to finalize a deal. You can also get in touch with us if you want to know more about the skills of a frontend developer.
Originally published at https://www.zealousweb.com.