The Ultimate Guide To Hiring A React.Js Developer

16 min readNov 16, 2022


As a writer, it took me some time to wrap my head around writing a guide to hiring for a specific role. It is peculiar to write a focus on hiring the perfect ReactJs developer. So, I turned to google to run preliminary research to find out what the others have to say — Research 101, right?

There are plenty of such guides, some with the true purpose of solving user queries, but most to optimize their organic rankings.

After enough research and endless pages of notes, the purpose of this guide is to give you a detailed insight into hiring a ReactJs developer. Throughout this guide, we will evaluate the hiring options (freelance, FTE, Offshore Agency), scrutinize crucial methodologies to follow with your project’s development, popular options across different countries & regions, and the cost of hiring.


A decade back, as the world was getting used to online streaming platforms, Netflix rose to popularity. As we progressed into the future that we live as our present now, platforms like Instagram, Zomato, Uber, etc., redefined how we perform chores and live our lives.

Of course, the value proposition of these platforms was more appealing, but what drove users towards them was their impeccable user experience. The best part is that these platforms constantly work to improve their UX. One common thing between these brands is that they use ReactJs as their front-end library. Since these platforms mainly thrive on their front end, it is only logical to choose ReactJs as their framework.

According to Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey 2022, ReactJs has bagged a few positions — the most popular & dreaded framework, the most easy-to-use, easily interconnected, and more.

For every business today, User Interface is the priority. No matter how cloudy the functions run in the background, users catch an eye to an experience that is simple, clean, and organized. ReactJs allows its users just that freedom and flexibility.

What is React, and Why is it Popular?

Now that we know the star behind the uber-easy interface to our favorite streaming platform is React.Js — let’s dive into a few technicalities.

React.Js is one of the 83 JavaScript-based web libraries. Facebook developed it to build composable user interfaces predictably and efficiently using declarative code. It is favored for its swift performance and is preferred by developers when developing web & mobile app user interfaces.

The website proclaims three reasons why developers must adopt it:

  • It is Declarative
  • It is Component-Based, and
  • It is Easy to Learn and Implement

In addition, React.Js offers compelling features that are grounds why you must choose it for your front-end development. Let’s look at a few of them here;

JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX)

JSX is a brilliant combination of JavaScript and HTML. It allows a developer to write HTML structures in the same file that contains JavaScript code. Since most browsers do not support JSX, the Babel compiler transcompiles the code into JavaScript. JSX makes codes easy to write and understand.

One-Way Flow of Data

The name says it all, the flow of data in React.Js is uni-directional, i.e., it flows downward — from the parent to the child. Once passed down to the child component, the properties in the parent component cannot return up. However, it can communicate with the parent component to modify the states according to the provided inputs.

VDOM (Virtual Document Object Model)

DOM is a crucial part of the web as it divides into modules and executes the code. When updating a Javascript framework, the whole DOM is updated at once, rendering the application slow. However, React contains a lightweight representation of DOM in its memory called the Virtual DOM. Here’s how it makes the process easier; when updating an application made in React, the VDOM updates first. It then finds the difference between DOM & VDOM and only updates the difference, thereby eliminating redundancy.


It is a popular framework developed from React for creating cross-compatible mobile apps to create a user-friendly UI. React has many extensions to create full-fledged UI applications. It supports server-side rendering, Flux, and Redux in application development.


As the website suggests, React.Js is a component-based framework. Each web page is divided into components and is a part of the UI design with its logic. The component logic is written in Javascript, making it simple, faster, and reusable.

Let’s now dive into the next step of the guide; we’ll look at the top React UI Frameworks that an ideal React.Js developer must know. The following frameworks are popular mainly because they are easy to work with, flexible, and allow much room for experimenting.

Top React UI Frameworks

In the section above, ReactJs moved up to the first position to become the most favored framework within the developer community. Brands like Netflix, Airbnb, Zomato, etc., have put their trust in the framework to build their user interface. We asked our developers why they enjoyed working with ReactJs, and what popular React UI Frameworks they recommend to the world.

Material Kit React

It is a Free Bootstrap 4 UI Kit inspired by Google’s material design. All its features, like buttons, sliders, menu, pagination, bars, tables, tabs, etc., are meant to uphold consistency to ensure that a project’s development maintains similarity in function and appearance. Material Kit plays with light, movement, and surface to give your project the desired front-end look and enhance your user interface & experience.

According to the official website, Material Kit React is made after ample research on ink and paper and how objects and materials react in real life. Specifically great for creating an interface for android applications, its consistency and visual homogeneity ensure that the user interface is clean and appealing.

Ant Design

Ant Design is a React CSS framework with an extensive design library that is easy to use. It is designed specifically for professional use and contains many severe reaction components. It has the advantage of allowing the use of the components directly with React. The best feature of Ant Design is how simple it is to integrate its design elements. For client development, Ant Design offers excellent standard GUI design.


Grommet is the best CSS React framework with rich features and React UI libraries such as accessibility, modularity, responsiveness, and themes. The component package makes it simple to create responsive and accessible mobile-first websites. Grommet’s simplicity in integrating into existing projects or starting new ones is one of its most exciting features.

Chakra UI

Chakra UI is a React CSS framework that can swiftly become a must-have for React app developers. Its multiple colors allow you to modify the darkness or brightness according to your customer’s preferences.

Compared to the React component libraries, Chakra UI is newer and still lacks some features and components. Therefore, small to medium-sized development projects are incredibly leveraged by Chakra UI, allowing them to work with few components and advanced features.

Semantic UI

Semantic UI is a React CSS framework with full-featured React UI libraries developed on the Semantic UI CSS framework. It is a GitHub open-source project and an excellent choice for React projects. It includes React components for designing and CSS style sheets from semantic UI. It consists of a range of pre-built components that assist you in understanding and writing semantically friendly code.

Working Methodology For Your Project

Suppose you have yet to learn top to bottom about project management procedures. In that case, it may be challenging to differentiate between a Kanban board and a Scrum board or to figure out why the distinctions between Agile vs. Waterfall methodologies are significant. Also, with such countless comparative terms drifting around, it could seem as if it doesn’t make any difference which projects the board strategy you pick.

While these techniques have massive contrasts, it’s vital to recognize that each project management methodology eventually has a similar objective: to work with completing smaller tasks and projects at large. With that in mind, every technique deals with your collaboration processes through construction and correspondence. However, you would carry out every one of these techniques in a different way — Agile, Waterfall, Kanban, and Scrum all have this much in common.


The entire lifecycle of a project is broken down linearly into sequential stages, ultimately leading to completion. Each preceding stage is responsible for the beginning & efficiency of its successor. Think of it as a downward step — as you slowly descend, each step leads you to another, bringing you closer to completion.

One thing to note about the Waterfall methodology is that there is no turning back whenever you decide to move to the next step of your project lifecycle. Although this method has little flexibility, it ensures that the team works with maximum efficiency & minimum errors.

So if you’re considering various working methodologies, you must remember a crucial thing about Waterfall -if you’re looking for a strict procedure to follow for a large project, it is perfect for you. Waterfall follows a robust documentation process.

As shown in the picture, it begins with documentation & research, and only once the team has all the necessary information they move ahead since there is no going back!


Introduced in 2001, the Agile methodology is a collaborative, self-organized, and cross-functional approach to completing work & requirements. As depicted in the picture, the Agile working process differs from Waterfall regarding the circularity of steps.

Agile focuses on adaptive, simultaneous workflows-a far cry from the linear nature of Waterfall. While you might hear it talked about as a distinct methodology, Agile project management more correctly refers to a category of methods, including Scrum and Kanban. Still, there are fundamental differences between Agile and Waterfall project management.


While many want to compare Kanban vs. Agile, Kanban methodology is more accurately a specific type of Agile methodology. Kanban strives to better coordinate and balance work with the capacity and bandwidth among workers. It uses the Agile methodology principles discussed above but implements them in a specific way.

The goal of the Kanban methodology is to improve the team’s process. The group meets periodically to discuss changes that need to be made, and the data displayed on the Kanban board guide these discussions.


The final methodology we’ll cover, Scrum project management is another Agile methodology that uses an incremental approach to complete projects more quickly. Scrum methodology typically tackles complex knowledge work, such as software development. If you’re looking at Kanban vs. Scrum, Kanban is primarily concerned with process improvements, while Scrum is concerned with getting more work done faster.

Scrum uses a burndown chart during sprints to let team members see progress at a glance. Rather than displaying completed tasks, the burndown chart visualizes what’s left. It should be continuously updated to help team members manage their workflow.

As such, the best project management methodology for your team is the one you’ll execute flawlessly. Using piecemeal parts of a technique will only make you lose out on the benefits that popularized the methodology in the first place.

React.JS Developer Deliverables

When drafting a job description for a React.Js developer, a few roles and responsibilities remain constant. Let’s look at five roles & responsibilities that a React.Js developer must perform:

  • Must be able to create & design interactive features for React.Js websites and applications.
  • Their designs must fundamentally allow a flawless user experience and follow basic UI principles.
  • Proficiency in programming languages like CSS, HTML, and JavaScript is a must.
  • Designing a bug-free application at first may be challenging, but the expectation is to develop one with minimal bugs and issues.
  • Develop plugins that ease the development process where ever necessary and keep the app regularly updated.

Freelance Vs Agency Vs In-House Employee

So, you’ve thought about an application, done your statistical surveying, and raised assets for advancement. Presently you must conclude who will fabricate it!

Your business vision and the science you have with the individual or group you’ve decided to foster your item guarantee that you investigate as needs are and go with who you truly trust to do the best for your business.

Building an In-House Agency

This route is typically favored by larger companies with established employee infrastructure, as it’s time-consuming and admin-heavy.

Commitment — You’ll have a small group committed exclusively to your task full-time with no contending needs so that they might accomplish more in a more limited space.

Long haul responsibility — Given that your assets can support it, your colleagues will only hope to move to the following venture when you’ve been sent off. They’ll be prepared to furnish your application with the help and support expected to develop.

Transparent Information — Representatives will have knowledge of your business and client needs, mentality, marking, and vision, illuminating how they foster your item.

Quicker sign-offs/endorsements — Dissimilar to working with an organization or consultant, less association needs to go into setting up conversations for sign-offs and endorsements. These things happen much faster when you visit casually over lunch or in the gathering room.

Adaptability — A major advantage to building an in-house group, is the adaptability with updates. There needs to be a proper financial plan or different limitations that accompany working with an office so that you can invest more energy in tweaking and changing your item. However, spend less time rethinking things that you quit gaining ground!

You have to deal with all of the admin that goes with employing people — HMRC, pensions, PAYE, National Insurance, HR, etc.

You want to deal effectively with your group to get the best from them. Beside routine functional administration, you’ll be answerable for maintenance, preparing, managing ailments, and guaranteeing the group science is correct.

Higher forthright expenses should be maintained, including preparation, enrollment, necessary licenses, equipment, and numerous overheads.

Slower to begin — tracking down the ideal individuals to fabricate your group is amazingly tedious. This cycle will probably require half a month, and you need to figure out any notification potential representatives need to provide for their ongoing associations.

Hiring Freelancers

Freelance software development has boomed in recent years, and there’s no shortage of talented and dedicated developers to take on your project. Some fantastic sites out there will match you with freelancers, such as Toptal, Guru, and Upwork — similar to typical recruitment services.

Lower rates than an organization — We’ve placed this in the star list as a singular specialist will charge under an office. They have fewer overheads. However, you’ll probably have to enlist various consultants to finish your task — UX/UI originators, front-end and back-end, DevOps, analyzers, and so on. This implies the expenses rapidly stack up.

Speed — A popular organization won’t have the option to begin dealing with your venture for a considerable time after the revelation. Yet, if you can find a Specialist with accessibility, they can hop in and move to code straight away and get your item to showcase quicker.

All of your investments are tied up in one place — Assuming that your consultant has a period of illness or something happens that influences their capacity to work, your task will be at a stop.

No single consultant can ‘do everything, meaning you’ll need to move forward to the venture the executive’s job — application improvement goes past composing code. Somebody needs to plan the UI, test for bugs, and so on. As you welcome more specialists ready, you’ll undoubtedly assume the job of venture administrator close to all the other things you need to do to develop your business.

Absence of continuous upkeep and backing — the fundamental idea of independent work implies that your engineer could have one more task arranged and prepared to commit their opportunity to once your item has been sent off.

Hire An Agency

Offshore or nearshore advancement is ascending in ubiquity, primarily because of the low expenses. Designer rates are also lower in nations where the typical cost for most everyday items is lower. There are many advantages to seaward reevaluating. However, the detriments can be extreme and compelling.

In a perfect world, an offshore organization will offer the professionals that would be useful as a homegrown one — saving you investment, assembling the best group for your venture, taking the project management off your hands, and offering specialized skills.

Less expensive advancement costs: The primary draw is cost. The price for most everyday items in Ukraine, China, India, and so on is much lower than here in the US, UK, etc., so organizations charge a lower rate.

Broadening improvement — Working with a group on the opposite side of the globe will, without a doubt, give you an understanding of an alternate culture, way of life, set of values, and business mentality. This can help you by and by, expertly, and in fact, as designers in unfamiliar groups can bring that social information into your item and make it more attractive to a different crowd.

Completely remote administration of the task: Assuming you’ve picked an office geologically exceptionally distant from you, you will not have the option to bounce on a train to team up face to face or look at them without flinching to get a feeling of science.

Language obstructions — Correspondence is the way into any client-office association. Communicating in various dialects and having different social understandings can all affect the progress of your undertaking.

Time contrast — Assuming you’ve figured out how to connect the language and social holes, living in various time regions brings another arrangement of difficulties. Standing by entire days for a reaction to an email or planning calls during unsociable hours can add additional pressure to the interaction.

In this way, you ought to now know every one of the accessible courses you can take about employing individuals to transform your thought into reality.

Which Is The Right Option For You?

The next step is to determine which of these options is the right one for you. We’ve already looked at the pros and cons of each engagement model, i.e., Freelancer, In-House Agency, and an FTE, so we know the pitfalls of each of them. It’s time to look at why you must choose either of these models based on their needs.

A Full-Time Employee

When hiring an FTE, the foremost thing you must look at is if your project requires constant team coordination & communication. The aim of hiring an FTE is to facilitate communication between team members and to have them dedicatedly working on that one project to shorten the turnaround time. As opposed to the other two models, FTE is more flexible and allows complete focus and attention. According to a survey by Stack Overflow, 37% of the projects demand an FTE for quick turnarounds and ease of communication.


Since freelancers don’t usually work on just one project at a given time, it may be tricky to keep a close watch on the development of our project and receive timely updates. But freelancers are the perfect option if you’re running a project without a time-sword dangling over your neck. As the role suggests, this option is ideal when you have a limited budget and a lenient timeline for project completion.


Think of this as a comprehensive mix of the above two. The best part about hiring an agency is that you have multiple levels of check to keep a close watch on the project development. It is easy to scale resources based on the stage of development, and it always comes with a credible experience.

Cost of Hiring A ReactJs Developer

The cost to hire React developers likewise relies upon the range of abilities you are hiring(In-house or Remote React developers). The expense of employing In-house React developers will be high contrasted with remote React developers, as considerable extra expenditures are required to have been satisfied to finish the recruiting system.

One prominent factor is the cost of hiring a React developer, including salary, place of work, employee benefits, and many others. The average price of hiring In-house ReactJs developers remains between $15 to $100 hourly which could be expensive for small for scale business owners.

The cost of hiring Remote React developers is less than the in-house developers. The development company business owners manage to engage and manage the React developer hired for their product development. The only factor the business owners have to consider is hiring the best ReactJs development company for their digital product development.

The average cost will remain between $20 to $38 hourly. The average hiring rate is very cost-effective, so hiring Remote React developers is ideal for application development.

React developers work in the computer and information technology industry. Between 2020 and 2030, the number of jobs in this field will grow by 667,600. Some of the most rapidly growing occupations in this field are software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers. These professions have an above-average estimated growth rate of 22 percent. As of May 2022, Glassdoor saw 19,000 React Developers’ job vacancies.

Now, a crucial piece of information, perhaps one of the reasons why you chose to read this article — the salary of a Full-Time ReactJs employee. The average React developer salary in the US is $97,858 per year.

Of course, the salary range will also differ depending on experience and your operating region.

The average annual salary for someone with 1–3 years of experience as a React developer is $82,373. Combined with the reported additional pay, the average yearly compensation rises to $124,163. Qualifications for mid-level React developers may include:

  • A few years of experience in front-end web development
  • Strong understanding of UX and design principles
  • Experience working on an Agile team with other engineers
  • Ability to write modern and maintainable code

The average yearly salary for a React developer with 4–6 years of experience is $88,339. Combined with the reported additional pay, the average annual compensation rises to $123,048. Qualifications for senior React developers may include the following:

  • Familiarity with data flows and component-driven architectures
  • Experience building responsive, scalable websites and applications
  • Ability to troubleshoot and report issues for short and long-term resolution
  • Capable of translating non-technical business requirements into software designs


React.JS is one of the most commonly used frameworks these days, and many companies or developers out there promise to deliver outstanding services. Whom do you trust? This blog might help you choose the right React developer for your project. With a suitable organization, you can get a high-performance digital product.

To summarize, we looked at the top ReactJs UI Frameworks throughout the blog. The most commonly used Working Methodologies, the best way to hire a ReactJs developer — say Agency, Freelance, Or an FTE — and the right option for you. While each of these criteria may differ for you, this guide is a preliminary basis for conducting your research about hiring a ReactJs developer, saving you from the pain of going through multiple google tabs.

So, if you’re looking for the best ReactJS development company, connect with our expert team. We can help you enjoy all benefits associated with this technology.




Written by ZealousWeb

Helping businesses Solve The Unsolved with a tech-first approach to expedite digital transformation.

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