Viable Frontend Technologies in 2021

5 min readFeb 16, 2021


Gradual technological changes have taken us through multiple waves of transformation and brought us to our current state. Each time we think we take a step closer to the future, we unlock something that tells us we’re not even halfway there.

The human mind can imagine various scenarios and vistas, and frontend technologies help them bring their imagination to reality. 2021 brings us closer to the future, but it also shows us how far frontend technologies have come, so here is an account of viable frontend technologies in 2021. In case you’re a novice in this field but wish to know more, you can always consult with or hire a frontend developer!


Technologies are meant to save time & effort. Suppose we can’t change the base, so we will revise the process of making the base. We know that SCSS is a superior option than CSS Because SCSS supports such amazing things that CSS can’t support. SCSS support vital features that can detonate with one change. Like the change in one variable can make a big difference in your website.

  1. SCSS provides variable facility instead of using direct values which make changes and maintenance easy
  2. Nested code can help in debugging and maintenance.
  3. Prevents repetitive code with the help of mixins
  4. CSS makes an HTTP request for each CSS file, but SCSS can include all SCSS file into one SCSS file and compile into one CSS so it will reduce HTTP request and make maintenance easy for each scss file

Click here for more details!


These things can reduce your work, minimise repetitive code, and help you make things dynamic. They can scale things dynamically, which is why they are super helpful in a responsive environment. EM & REM have one fundamental difference, and that REM will only affect by root HTML element font size.

  1. Can scale the whole project with the root HTML element font size.
  2. Very helpful in responsive design because only one change can change all things.

REM manage font-sizes based on the font-size of the root HTML element. It can scale your entire project with one font size change.

EM manage font-size on the base of the relative element font size and change according to it.

Click here for more details!

Display Grid

We can check here display property changes like table > float > block > flexbox > grid as we discussed technology change. Flexbox can control only one dimension row or column. But the grid can manage a two-dimensional layout — rows and columns at the same time.

The grid has a repeat() function, which allows repeating pattern X times. like if you want 4 columns with 25% of width then you can simply write “grid-template-columns: 25% 25% 25% 25%;” but with repeat() function you can add “grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 25%);”. This will repeat 25% width four times. with fr you can write “grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr);”. here each of our four columns to one fraction (which happens to be 1/4 or 25%).

CSS Framework

Tailwind is a utility-first framework. It’s a CSS library that is utility-based that prefers practicality and speed. You can create an entire website without writing your CSS, including hover and focus. Tailwind doesn’t provide any theme or predefine component. This means you don’t have to override existing styles, and we can quickly implement custom designs. You can Reuse components because it all depends on a utility class.

Tailwind is a useful framework for the front-end guys, but if you don’t know how front-end technologies work, this is not a good option. Because it all depends on utility classes and if you don’t know the frontend very well, then skip this.

Bootstrap is the most popular front-end framework. This framework has built-in HTML, SASS, and javascript. It’s a good option for a beginner who is new to CSS. We can easily customise bootstrap with SASS. This framework is updating with time. This is an excellent reason to choose.

Click here to find out how to override bootstrap-sass


“Git” is related to the version control system. “Hub” is the community of individuals who participate.

Github makes contributing easy for open-source projects. When many people are working on the same project, then it’s hard to track work. But with Github, you can follow which file is edited, who made changes, and when. Also, you can check what changes are done with revert functionalities.

GitHub is one of the largest coding communities right now. Which allows you to take code, make changes, and put it back again. So different people’s can work together without any conflicts.


Introduced in 2006, jQuery is used to manipulate CSS and DOM and optimise a website’s functionality and interactivity. In comparison to JavaScript, jQuery is easy to understand, and it required fewer lines of code.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

This is a massive benefit of jQuery that you can develop a website that will work properly on all types of browsers and different versions, saving you from lots of headaches.

Animations Effects

With the help of HTML, CSS, and jQuery, we can make cool animations. You can make creative animations on scroll and load.

With jQuery and JavaScript, we can make string iteration, trimming, array manipulation, and many more. With these essential utility features, the code writing process will be more comfortable.


So these are some technologies that are changing and will continue changing. Every technology is meant to provide flexibility and reduce work, and we always have to learn them for better production. As someone who is new to frontend technologies and has multiple other things to accomplish, you can hire a frontend developer to help you out.

The display grid is not supported in all browsers as yet, but as soon as it does — the frontend will change. It has the ability that you can do the whole project without using any other display property. So be with evolution, and it will drive you further.

Originally published at




Written by ZealousWeb

Helping businesses Solve The Unsolved with a tech-first approach to expedite digital transformation.

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